January 2, 2021

Simple goals for 2021

Anyone else a bit nervous for goal setting in 2021? I almost scared to set high goals for 2021 because of the crazy curve balls that were thrown at us this past year, but instead I am going to keep my goals simple and attainable. Everything else will just be extra.

A simple (not easy!) goal for me is to be more patient and kind to my kids and my husband. This can be so hard for me, especially when I feel a sense of stress or I am overly tired. This year I am trying to take a deep breath, think about what I am going to say or how I am going to act before I respond to an annoying or upsetting situation. This will not be easy by any means but it is a simple way for me to treat others better, especially the ones I love and cherish the most!

A health goal I have actually had for many years is to drink more water and consume less sugar. While we were all at home these past 10 months we tended to use treats as a coping mechanism, usually sweets! Being more mindful and planning out sweets and treats in advance (and only for special occasions, a random Tuesday doesn’t count as an “occasion”!) has helped me in the past and I am confident it will this year as well!

Keeping goals simple will make them more attainable mama enjoyable!

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