May 22, 2020

Nurse Mom

Nurse mom: one who is always caring for another! 

Ive always taken a sense of pride in being both a nurse and a mom. When we first took this pic I planned on posting it with some silly joke about being both. This was before quarantine and covid-19 and obviously the humor had to be put on hold.
I’m sharing this image today in a different light, as a nurse in a pandemic and a mom to 3 small children. When covid19 was first easing into our news cycle I was on LOA caring for my 7 year old Niky who’s jaw was wired shut. As Nikolaj‘s recovery went on so progressed covid-19s grip on our world. The closer it got for to me going back to work the worst the virus spread had gotten. Chris and I had a lot of hard conversations about me going back or taking an additional leave or even resigning. He ultimately left it up to me. I kept thinking about the dangers of working in a pandemic especially so soon after Niky had such a horrific accident; maybe I should just stay home with him and my girls and not risk being exposed. I thought about it SO much but kept having this tugging on my heart that I needed to also show up as the other part of my “title,” nurse. With proper precautions I could do both. I could show up well for my kids while simultaneously show up for my community.  I thought about the other nurses and how I was on their team, I thought about the impact I could make, the way the nurses and doctors who showed up and took care of my son did only weeks before. I thought about how my kids would see strength in their mother, I thought about how I will be part of helping to slow this virus, how someday my kids kids would talk about their grandmother was a nurse during the pandemic of 2020. Although not an easy one I knew it was the right decision. I went back mid April, about a month after Niky got out of the hospital and was nearly 100% recovered. The kids and I talk about mommy being safe at work, I send them pics of me in my PPE, they know not to come close to me until after I shower, they appreciate how important our health is, and more than ever understand the importance of community.

Thank you @healthcarevoter for sponsoring this post

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